
Year-end report January 1 – December 31, 2014, ProfilGruppen

Continued positive development of profit in the fourth quarter

Fourth quarter

  • Turnover MSEK 208.6 (173.1), up 20.5 percent compared to previous year

  • Operating profit MSEK 5.3 (-12.5), after positive non-recurring items of MSEK 2.7

  • Net income MSEK 2.6 (-11.5)

  • Cash flow from operating activities MSEK 11.7 (-16.3)

  • Earnings per share SEK 0.35 (-2.05)

Year 2014

  • New CEO, Per Thorsell, from September 1, 2014.

  • Rights issue completed, 40.5 MSEK

  • Turnover MSEK 808.6 (730.0), up 10.8 percent compared to previous year

  • Operating profit MSEK 7.1 (-20.0), after positive non-recurring items of MSEK 2.7

  • Net income MSEK 4.0 (-20.5)

  • Cash flow from operating activities MSEK 27.4 (-10.0)

  • Earnings per share SEK 0.62 (-3.66)

Per Thorsell, CEO of ProfilGruppen, comments
”ProfilGruppen have had a stable development during the fourth quarter with growth in sales volumes as well as improved profit compared to the previous year. Our activities in the market have resulted in a number of new businesses.

We are going to keep focusing on market activities and work with more improvements in the complete production chain, we therefore are positive about the future development.”

Documents and links
Year-end report January 1 – December 31, 2014