
ProfilGruppen AB: Strong result after continued high raw material prices

Fourth quarter
·Turnover MSEK 629.3 (371.6), up 69 percent compared to previous year
·Operating profit MSEK 55.2 (5.3), after positive one-off effects of MSEK 36 (-10)
·Operating margin 8.8 percent (1.4)
·Net income MSEK 42.4 (7.4)
·Cash flow from operating activities MSEK -4.5 (111.4), of which MSEK 0.0 (63.1) from covid related support meassures
·Earnings per share SEK 5.68 (0.86)

Year 2021
·Turnover MSEK 2,119.6 (1,414.4), up 50 percent compared to previous year
·Operating profit MSEK 178.6 (36.4), after positive one-off effects of MSEK 87 (0)
·Operating margin 8.4 percent (2.6)
·Net income MSEK 132.8 (23.9)
·Cash flow from operating activities MSEK 124.8 (179.4), of which MSEK 51.9 (101.9) from covid related support meassures
·Earnings per share SEK 17.26 (2.45)
·The Board is proposing a dividend of SEK 13.50 per share for the financial year 2021, including an extra dividend of SEK 5.00 per share

Fredrik Zöögling, CEO and President of ProfilGruppen, comments:
“We look back on a year with very high demand, which has led to a new level. We have grown in every way. The main reason for higher turnover and earnings is the development in raw material prices.
We will continue with activities to strengthen the operating result. In the fourth quarter, we made an effort to adapt to a market where the cost base increased sharply. We aim to minimize the increased price risk in aluminium. We have also proactively secured the metal price in the raw material market. A number of ongoing improvement projects will make the remaining parts of the business more effective. At the same time, our customer base will be developed further.”

Documents and links
Year End Report 2021 ProfilGruppen AB - Strong result after continued high raw material prices