Bengt Stillström has through Ringvägen Venture AB increased his ownership in ProfilGruppen AB to 26.4 % of the shares. The seller is Prior & Nilsson’s fund Idea which thereby divests its entire holding.
Torgny Prior, who represents Prior & Nilsson Fond och Kapitalförvaltning, will thus resign from the company’s Nomination committee, which otherwise remains unchanged.
For more information, please contact:
Lars Johansson, Chairman of the Nomination committee
Mobile +46 (0)70-658 39 05
Eva Färnstrand, Chairman of ProfilGruppen AB
Mobile +46 (0)70-603 18 00
ProfilGruppen is a supplier of complex customised aluminium extrusions and components.
This information is published in accordance with applicable laws, listing agreements and regulations.
The information was submitted for publication at 16.45 CET on September 24, 2012.